ササカワ・アフリカ財団主催8/28 TICAD7公式サイドイベント・シンポジウム「アフリカの農業と未来--若者の力と農業ビジネス」(後援:アフリカ開発銀行)

ササカワ・アフリカ財団(SAA)では、2019年8月28日、横浜にて開催される第7回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD 7)の公式サイドイベントとして「アフリカの農業と未来― 若者の力と農業ビジネス ―」と題したシンポジウムを開催いたします。(後援:アフリカ開発銀行、助成:日本財団)


Akinwumi Adesina 様 アフリカ開発銀行 総裁
Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko様 アフリカ連合農業経済局長
笹川陽平 様 日本財団 会長
高橋博之 様 株式会社ポケットマルシェ 代表取締役

Yenenesh Egu 様 エチオピア連邦農業省 普及局局長
Abdoulaye Hamadoun様 マリ農業経済研究所 所長
Paul Kibwika 様 ウガンダ マケレレ大学 農学部教授
Lindiwie Majele Sibanda 様 Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) 理事


【日 時】2019年8月28日(水)午前9時30分〜 12時30分 

【会 場】パシフィコ横浜 会議センター 5階









The Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) is organising an official Side Event at TICAD VII in Yokohama, on 28 August. The Side Event is dealing with a serious problem facing most African countries – youth unemployment – and examining the opportunities available through entrepreneurship in agriculture. The event is supported by African Development Bank and funded by The Nippon Foundation.

Youth unemployment across the African continent is projected to reach 440 million by 2030, but the former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo – who at the time was a director of SAA – has commented that “agribusiness is one of the few sectors that can create the quantum of jobs needed for Africa’s youth”. 

Senior speakers addressing this challenge at the SAA Side Event will be led by the Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, Mr Yohei Sasakawa. The Nippon Foundation has funded SAA programmes since SAA’s inception in 1986. He will be joined by the key note speaker, President of the African Development Bank, Dr Akinwumi Adesina. Mr Hiroyuki Takahashi, founder of Pocket Marche, which manages a platform connecting producers to consumers, will give a view on the Japanese perspective. 

SAA Chairperson Hon Professor Ruth Oniang’o, a former winner of the Africa Food Prize, and Dr Amit Roy, SAA board member and former Chief Executive of the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), will lead a panel discussion, with participants from Ethiopia, Mali, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The discussion will pose the question, among others, of whether entrepreneurship, allied to technical innovation, is enough “to attract young people faced with the poverty of their parents in many rural areas.” 

Their views will be challenged by young people from Nigeria and Uganda, and by a former volunteer from the Japan international Cooperative Agency (JICA), Ryoji Inaba, who farms in Japan.

“We can learn lessons from each other”, comments Hon Prof Oniang’o. “Our work with millions of smallholder farmers and extension agents across Africa for over 35 years has given us the opportunity to build upon this legacy and to confront the current challenges facing our continent”.


【Date】28, August 2019 (Wed)  9:30 am -12:30 pm 
*Registration starts at 9 am

【Venue】5th floor, Conference Center, Pacifico Yokohama

In accordance with security procedures, all guests attending the symposium are required to register their attendance in advance. All guests must register by 29 July.
URL: http://c-linkage.com/reg/ticad2019

For detail, please find a leaflet here.
For any queries, please contact Ms Sayako Tokusue, Sasakawa Africa Association (ticad7@saa-safe.org)
